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Youth Ride Free Promotional Program

Youth Ride Free Promotional Program

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start?

September 1st, 2022

Who is eligible for the Youth Ride Free Promotional Program?

Anyone age 18 or younger or enrolled high school students who are older.

When does the program start and how long does it last?

The Youth Ride Free Program is a promotional program that will last through June 2025.

Can I use any bus in Ventura County?

Yes, all following operators are participating:

  • Camarillo Area Transit
  • Gold Coast Transit District
  • Kanan Shuttle
  • Moorpark City Transit
  • Ojai Trolley
  • Simi Valley Transit
  • Thousand Oaks Transit
  • Valley Express
  • VCTC Intercity Transit Service

How will the driver know to let me on the bus for free?

Drivers will let anyone who looks 18 or younger board the bus for free but high school aged students should be prepared to show ID.

Do I have to be going to/from school?

No, you do not. You can travel anywhere, for any reason on any bus operator in the county.

I’m traveling to a VCTC Zone 2 destination, do I have to pay an additional fare?

No, you do not.

Can I ride Metrolink or Amtrak for free?

No, the Youth Ride Free Program only lets you ride public buses in Ventura County.

Can paratransit users ride dial-a-ride services for free?

No, other than Valley Express and Camarillo Area Transit (CAT) dial-a-ride services, passengers will have to pay the full fare.

What if I already bought a pass, can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, no you cannot.

If I attend school in Ventura County, can I still ride free if I don’t live in the county?

Yes, you may ride free.

I live in Ventura County but attend a school outside the county; can I still ride the bus for free?

Yes, you may ride free.

Is this a school bus service?

No. Buses will only take students to predetermined fixed-route bus stops. Students can ride the bus to the stop nearest their school then walk or use alternate transportation.

Do I have to ride with an adult?

Only kids 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Any questions? Please call 1-800-438-1112 or submit comments through

Please note: Riders are expected to follow the rules and codes of conduct established by each operator. Violations of the rules may result in removal from the bus and suspension of riding privileges.