The VCTC Finance Department strives to run an efficient and fiscally responsible department. Finance produces timely and accurate reports to provide the Commission and the public financial information about VCTC’s operations. The Finance Department is responsible for performing the day-to-day accounting functions consisting of cash management, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, general ledger, financial reports and investment reports for eight funds: a general fund; five special revenue funds, Local Transportation Fund (LTF), State Transit Assistance (STA), State of Good Repair (SGR), Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) and Santa Paula Branch Line (SPBL), and two proprietary funds, VCTC Intercity and Valley Express. The Finance Department prepares and monitors the agency’s budget, provides budgetary assistance to project managers who monitor individual task budgets, and provides grant support and specific project support as needed. The Finance Department is also in charge of multiple audits and overseeing financial compliance with various state and federal regulations.

The Finance Department prepares and publishes several financial reports annually. The current version of each is listed below. Simply click on the title or image of the publication to download file in a .pdf format.


Each year, VCTC’s Finance Department prepares a comprehensive Annual Budget itemizing revenues, expenditures, and investments for the upcoming fiscal year. Program budgets include objectives and accomplishments at the task level for each of VCTC’s six programs: Transit and Transportation, Highways, Rail, Commuter Assistance, Planning and Programming, and General Governance. The Annual Budget is presented to the Commission each April and typically adopted the following June.

Budget 2024/2025Budget 2023/2024Budget 2022/2023Budget 2021/2022Budget 2020/2021


The State of California requires the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) to prepare annual financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The financial statements are then audited by independent certified public accountants. The VCTC goes beyond the minimum established requirements and produces an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is designed to provide a complete financial picture of the agency and includes the independent auditors’ report, a management discussion, the audited financial statements as well as supplementary information including budget results and statistical information.

ACFR 2023/2024ACFR 2022/2023ACFR 2021/2022ACFR 2020/2021ACFR 2019/2020


VCTC complies with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. To comply, VCTC prepares an annual Single Audit Report on Federal Awards which is audited by an independent certified public accounting firm.

SINGLE AUDIT 2023/2024SINGLE AUDIT 2022/2023SINGLE AUDIT 2021/2022SINGLE AUDIT 2020/2021SINGLE AUDIT 2019/2020

The monthly budget report is presented in a comprehensive, agency-wide format on a modified accrual basis.  The reports include a combined Balance Sheet, a Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance detailed by fund and an Investment Report.  There are eight funds presented consisting of the General Fund, the Local Transportation Fund (LTF), the State Transit Assistance (STA) fund, the State of Good Repair (SGR) fund, the Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) fund, the Santa Paula Branch Line (SPBL) fund, the VCTC Intercity fund and the Valley Express fund.  The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance also includes the annual budgeted numbers that are updated as the Commission approves budget amendments or administrative budget amendments are approved by the Executive Director.  Staff monitors the revenues and expenditures of the Commission on an on-going basis.

The current agenda which includes this report can be found under the Meetings tab, Agendas and Archives, or by clicking this link

The Transportation Development Act (TDA) Claims Manual is intended to provide information and guidance to cities, the County, transit operators, and other claimants for submitting claims to request TDA funding from the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC).  These guidelines are not intended to replace the state statutes or regulations pertaining to the TDA.  They are intended to clarify how the TDA is implemented in Ventura County and to assist eligible agencies in completing and submitting their TDA Claim Forms.

Questions regarding the information in this manual should be addressed to VCTC.  Copies of the TDA statutes and California Code of Regulations (CCR) are available on the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Division of Mass Transportation website at

Claims ManualClaims Forms

Approved on October 11, 2015, Senate Bill 272 adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.

The State Controller’s Government Compensation in California website provides information on employee pay and benefits for approximately 2 million positions at more than 5,000 public employers. Public employers annually report employee compensation to the State Controller’s Office. View and search employee job titles, build charts and graphics, and download custom reports and raw data at

The State Controller’s Government Finance Data website provides annual information on revenues, spending and other financial data of local governments.  There are many reports that can be viewed and downloaded at  These reports include information for Cities, Counties, Special Districts, Transit Operators and Transportation Planning Agencies, etc

Annual Range Non-Exempt Hourly Rate Exempt vs.
Department/ Position/ Job Responsibilities FTE Bottom Top Bottom Top Non-Exempt
Executive Director 1.0 242,903 282,556     E
Program Manager, Government and Community Relations 1.0 106,069 164,406     E
Clerk of the Board/Executive Assistant 1.0 106,069 164,406     E
Receptionist/Secretary 1.0 51,628 75,119 24.82 36.11 NE
Administration Subtotal 4.0    
Finance Director 1.0 149,249 231,336     E
Program Manager, Information Technology 1.0 106,069 164,406     E
Program Manager, Accounting 1.0 106,069 164,406     E
Senior Accountant / Analyst 2.0 80,092 116,534 38.51 56.03 NE
Finance Subtotal 5.0
Planning and Sustainability Director 1.0 149,249 231,336     E
Program Manager, Transportation Planning 1.0 106,069 164,406     E
Program Manager, Transportation Data and Services 1.0 106,069 164,406 E
Planning Subtotal 3.0
Programming Director 1.0 149,249 231,336     E
Program Manager, Programming 2.0 106,069 164,406     E
Administrative Assistant 0.4 51,628 75,119 24.82 36.11 NE
Programming Subtotal 3.4
Public Transit Director 1.0 149,249 231,336     E
Program Manager, Regional Transit Planning 1.0 106,069 164,406     E
Program Manager, Transit Contracts 1.0 106,069 164,406     E
Transit Planner 2.0 80,092 116,534 38.51 56.03 NE
Transit Information Center and Technology Specialist 1.0 51,628 75,119 24.82 36.11 NE
Administrative Assistant 0.6 51,628 75,119 24.82 36.11 NE
Customer Service Representative 2.0 44,598 64,891 21.44 31.20 NE
Transit Subtotal 8.6
Total Budgeted Positions 24.0

*VCTC will automatically adjust any wages that do not meet California’s minimum wage or the local fair-market wage requirements.

Effective July 1, 2024