TTAC – March 2025
March 19, 2025 1:30 pm
ADMIN/FINANCE – March 2025
March 24, 2025 9:00 am
VCTC’s mission is to improve mobility within the County and increase funding to meet transportation needs. VCTC establishes transportation policies and priorities ensuring an equitable allocation of federal, state and local funds for highway, transit, rail, aviation, bicycle and other transportation projects.
VCTC is composed of all five Ventura County Board of Supervisors, one member from each city council, one citizen member representing Ventura County cities and one citizen member representing the county.
VCTC meets at 9 am, the first Friday of the month at the Camarillo Public Library 4101 Las Posas Rd, Camarillo, CA 93010. The board does not meet in August and in months where there is a conflict with a holiday, the meeting is held the second Friday.
January 10
February 7
March 7
April 4
May 9 (Moved to the second Friday due to the SCAG-Annual Regional Conference)
June 6
July 11 (Moved to second Friday due to the July 4th holiday)
August- Dark
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5
Please note: A posting of the VCTC Commission Meeting Agenda will be posted at the Camarillo City Hall Administration office located at 601 Carmen Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010. If you have any questions, please contact VCTC’S Clerk of the Board, Roxanna Ibarra via phone at 805-642-1591 ext. 101 or via email at
The CTAC/SSTAC is charged with providing input to the VCTC on a variety of transportation issues, including the review of findings developed from an annual public hearing on possible “unmet transit needs,” which is held each Spring.
The CTAC/SSTAC is composed of representatives appointed by the VCTC, the County of Ventura, the ten cities in Ventura County, and from social services agencies involved in transportation services and projects.
The CTAC/SSTAC meets 4 times per year in January, April, June and September. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the County Government Center Hall of Justice Pacific Meeting Room at 1:30 pm.
TRANSCOM serves as an advisory body to VCTC for purposes of transit planning and programming, including review of the Program of Projects, and to provide a forum for discussion and input on transit issues and the Congestion Management Program.
TRANSCOM is composed of one representative from each transit service provider operating in Ventura County, one representative from each of the cities in the County, County of Ventura, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District and the California Department of Transportation – District 7.
TRANSCOM meets the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm at in the VCTC Office Main Conference Room.
TTAC serves as a technical advisory committee for VCTC. The committee makes recommendations to VCTC regarding transportation improvements and projects, serves as a forum to discuss the technical aspects of countywide transportation issues and formulates recommendations for consideration by VCTC.
TTAC is composed of staff from each city in Ventura County, County of Ventura, Oxnard Harbor District, Gold Coast Transit District, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, California Highway Patrol, and the California Department of Transportation.
TTAC meets the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the VCTC Office Main Conference Room.
Current Agenda
SPBLAC advises and makes recommendations to VCTC regarding the management, uses and operations of the Santa Paula Branch Line and all facilities and activities occurring thereon.
SPBLAC is composed of commissioners representing the cities of Fillmore, Santa Paula and Ventura and County Supervisors whose District includes the Branch Line corridor. The Committee meets as needed.
The committee reviews proposed budgets and meets twice a year to review the draft budget and the final budget before they are presented to VCTC for approval. The Committee also develops amendments to the Administrative Code, and to VCTC and Committee rules of order. The Administrative Committee is composed of the VCTC Chair, the Vice Chair and the immediate past Chair and convenes as needed.
Current Agenda
Heritage Valley Policy Advisory Committee (HVPAC)
The HVPAC reviews the Heritage Valley Transit services and budget, determines if any capital expenditures are required, reviews the contract for operation of the service, and discusses methods of expanding or adjusting the service to respond to the transit needs of the region.
The HVPAC is composed of the VCTC Executive Director, Commission members from the Cities of Fillmore and Santa Paula, and the County Supervisor whose district represents the Cities of Fillmore and Santa Paula.
The HVPAC meets as needed.
Heritage Valley Technical Advisory Committee (HVTAC)
The HVTAC advises the Heritage Valley Policy Advisory Committee (HVPAC) on operational elements of the Services including routes, schedules, adjustments to the performance standards in the Heritage Valley Transit Plan, the annual budget, the annual report, and other service details.
HVTAC is composed of staff representatives from VCTC, the cities of Fillmore and Santa Paula, and the County, and a member of the contract operator providing the service.
The HVTAC meets as needed.
The Coastal Express Policy Advisory Committee serves as an advisory committee to VCTC. The committee makes recommendations regarding the Coastal Express Bus Service fare adjustments, schedule revisions, amendments or revisions to the MOU, annual budget and the Coastal Express Ten Year Route Plan and Updates.
The Committee is composed of 3 representatives from VCTC and 3 representatives from Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG), one representative from Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (SBMTD) and the Gold Coast Transit District (GCTD).
The CEPAC meets as needed.
Special meetings are convened on an as-needed basis to address issues relevant to transportation in Ventura County that are not otherwise covered by a standing committee.