Ventura CountyVehicle Miles TraveledAdaptive Mitigation Program

The Ventura County CEQA Vehicle Miles Traveled Adaptive Mitigation Program (VMT AMP) is being developed by the Ventura Council of Governments (VCOG) and the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), as a multifaceted effort to provide clear and consistent application of VMT assessment and reduction strategies to streamline the CEQA process in Ventura County—especially in support of housing development.

The VMT AMP Program gives guidance to CEQA lead agencies and project applicants to:

  • AVOID CEQA VMT impact by identifying “low VMT areas” for development
  • ASSESS VMT impacts through a recommended analysis process
  • ASSIST CEQA Lead Agencies with standards for VMT analysis for applicant preparation and agency review
  • ADDRESS options for VMT reduction strategies and effectiveness
  • ADAPT long-term project mitigation programs options throughout life of projects

The Ventura County Transportation Commission approved the Vehicle Miles Traveled Adaptive Mitigation Program Final Report on May 12, 2023. Please contact Andrew Kent at or through the comment box below with any questions regarding the program.

To view a recording of the VMT AMP Stakeholders Workshop held on November 16, 2022, please click here.

For additional information and resources on the Ventura County Transportation Model (VCTM) and Vehicle Miles Traveled, please click here.

For the Ventura County  Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Adaptive Mitigation Program (AMP) for CEQA Streamlining Presentation, click here.