Freeway Service Patrol


We hope that your travel on Ventura County highways is as smooth as possible. However, if you should have a problem along portions of the U.S.-101 or CA-118 during rush hour, Freeway Service Patrol will come to your rescue. The Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is funded by the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) in its role as the Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE), with funding through the State of California (Caltrans). VCTC administers the program through a contract with a local tow company, which provides two roaming tow trucks on each highway segment (“beat”) to assist motorists with disabled vehicles, at no charge to the motorist.  The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is also a partner in the program and provides driver training and daily oversight.

The program operates Monday through Friday, except certain holidays, from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., on these Ventura County highway segments (see map):

    • Beat 1: 10.5 miles along U.S.-101, from Ventura/Los Angeles County line to Camarillo Springs Rd.
    • Beat 2: 11.8 miles along U.S.-101, from Camarillo Springs Road to Oxnard Blvd.
    • Beat 3: 14.2 miles along CA-118, from CA-23 to Ventura/Los Angeles County line (Rocky Peak).

Look for specially marked FSP tow trucks that are white and blue and display the FSP logo.  FSP drivers are certified by the CHP and wear blue uniforms with yellow vests, have the FSP logos on their clothing and an identification name badge on their vest.  FSP services are provided at no cost to the motorist, and the types of services provided may include:

    • Changing flat tires
    • Jump starting vehicles with dead batteries
    • Refilling radiators and taping leaky hoses
    • Putting a gallon of fuel in gas tanks
    • Towing inoperable vehicles, at no charge, to a safe location off the freeway
    • Clearing vehicles damaged in collisions under CHP direction
    • Removing debris from traffic lanes under CHP direction

If FSP cannot get your car back up and running, FSP will tow your vehicle off of the freeway to a location approved by CHP. Although FSP will get you off the freeway to a safe location to wait for help, FSP cannot tow you to a private repair facility or to your home, nor can they recommend tow services or repair shops.

Download a brochure about the Ventura FSP program, or review Frequently Asked Questions about the program. Have you been assisted by FSP recently and would like to fill out a survey? You may do so by clicking on this link.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions regarding FSP, contact Andrew Kent, FSP Program Analyst, at:

Telephone: 805.642.1591 X102
Address: 751 East Daily Drive, Suite 420, Camarillo, CA  93010

​If you need assistance and are a motorist outside of the FSP service area or hours of FSP service, please dial 911.  If  you are within the FSP service area and hours and you require assistance, call CHP Dispatch at 805.477.4174, who if appropriate, will dispatch FSP to assist.

FSP Customer Assist Survey

If you have been assisted by the FSP program in Ventura County, we invite you to take the Customer Assist Survey to let us know about your experience. Your input is valuable for the ongoing development of the FSP service and we want to hear about how we can improve the program. Please have your survey number handy. You can find it on the card provided by your FSP driver. We thank you for taking the time to answer this short survey.

FSP Highway Segments “Beats”

Freeway Service Patrol Frequently Asked Questions