CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is pleased to announce that Lupe Acero has been selected as the agency’s new director of finance, effective Feb. 18.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to share ideas about how to improve bus, paratransit, dial-a-ride, on-demand and rail service in Ventura County.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Valley Express Bus & Dial-A-Ride and the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) are excited to announce that a new bus route connecting the cities of Fillmore and Moorpark will start in August.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is developing a Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) on behalf of eight of the county’s public transit operators. The Ventura County Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) will serve as a guiding document for VCTC and these operators for the next ten years.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) today announced an emergency shuttle service that will operate between Santa Paula and Ojai to help residents affected by the closure of State Route 150.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – In honor of Transit Equity Day and the birthday of civil rights leader Rosa Parks, the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) and the county’s transit operators will provide free bus rides on Monday, Feb. 5.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to participate in an online and in-person Unmet Transit Needs community meetings and public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas about how to improve transit service in Ventura County. The meetings are an opportunity for community members to provide feedback on ways that VCTC can help to improve transit in Ventura County. Those unable to attend can share input at

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is thrilled to announce it has received the Transit Agency of the Year Award in the 2023 Small Operators Awards presented by the California Transit Association.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) joins other local transit operators in honoring U.S. military veterans and active-duty service members with free bus rides on Friday, Nov. 10, in observance of Veterans Day.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is aware of an incident that occurred Thursday involving a VCTC bus and a bicyclist on Telegraph Road in Ventura.

CAMARILLO – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) and the county’s bus operators invite the public to enjoy a complementary ride aboard public transit during the new Free Fare Days Program.

CAMARILLO – La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (VCTC, por sus siglas en inglés) y los operadores de autobuses del condado invitan al público a disfrutar de un viaje gratuito a bordo del transporte público durante el nuevo programa Free Fare Days (Días de pasajes gratis).

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is temporarily expanding Intercity bus service and its roadside assistance service to help visitors enjoy a smooth and easy trip to the X Games California 2023 on July 21-23 at the Ventura County Fairgrounds in Ventura.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The California Transportation Commission (CTC) has approved $74.8 million from the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program to support construction of four rail, active transportation and electric-vehicle charging projects in Ventura County.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – May is Bike Month, and the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is encouraging residents to ride to work, for health and simply for fun.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to attend an Unmet Transit Needs community listening session or public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas to improve bus service in Ventura County.

La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (VCTC, por sus siglas en inglés) invita a los miembros de la comunidad a compartir sus prioridades de transporte llenando una breve encuesta en línea. La encuesta está disponible en inglés y español y estará abierta hasta el 11 de junio. Las opiniones de la comunidad proporcionadas a través de la encuesta proveerán información al Plan Exhaustivo de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (CTP en inglés), un documento que planificará el transporte en el Condado de Ventura durante los próximos 30 años. Todas las personas que respondan antes del 11 de junio podrán participar en el sorteo de una tarjeta de regalo de 50 dólares.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission will release a draft of its Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP), a long-range planning document addressing the future of transportation in Ventura County for the next 20-30 years. The Plan will be available for review by December 2 at, and community members are invited to provide feedback through January 10, 2023.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (VCTC, por sus siglas en inglés) publicará un borrador de su Plan Exhaustivo de Transporte (CTP, por sus siglas en inglés), un documento de planificación a largo plazo que aborda el futuro del transporte en el Condado de Ventura para los próximos 20-30 años. El Plan estará disponible para su revisión el 2 de diciembre en, y los miembros de la comunidad están invitados a brindar sus comentarios hasta el 10 de enero de 2023.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – In honor of Veterans Day, Ventura County’s public transit operators will provide free rides to U.S. military veterans and active-duty service members on Friday, Nov. 11.

CAMARILLO, California. – En honor al Día de los Veteranos, los operadores de transporte público del condado de Ventura ofrecerán viajes gratuitos a los veteranos militares de los Estados Unidos y a los miembros del servicio activo el viernes 11 de noviembre.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Youths will soon be able to ride any public transit bus in Ventura County for free as part of a new pilot program offered by the county’s transit operators.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Los jóvenes pronto podrán viajar gratis en cualquier autobús de transporte público en el Condado de Ventura como parte de un nuevo programa piloto ofrecido por los operadores de transporte del condado.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) joins the entire Ventura County community in mourning the sudden loss of Ventura County Board of Supervisors Chair Carmen Ramirez.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) announced today that it will extend its Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) to a segment of U.S. 101 in Ventura during the 12 days of the Ventura County Fair.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (VCTC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció hoy que extenderá su Patrulla de Servicio de Autopista (FSP en inglés) a un segmento de la U.S. 101 en Ventura durante los 12 días de la Feria del Condado de Ventura.

Drivers frustrated by rising gas prices can save some cash by riding local public transit for free to celebrate Dump the Pump Day on Friday, June 17.

Los conductores frustrados por el aumento de los precios de la gasolina pueden ahorrar algo de dinero viajando en el transporte público local de forma gratuita para celebrar el día “Dump the Pump” (el día de Hacer a un lado la bomba de gasolina) el viernes 17 de junio.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) announced today that Claire Grasty has been selected as the agency’s new public transit director. Grasty currently is program manager of regional transit planning at VCTC.

La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (VCTC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció hoy que Claire Grasty ha sido seleccionada como la nueva directora de transporte público de la agencia. Grasty actualmente es gerente de programas de planificación del tránsito regional en VCTC.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is asking community members to share their transportation priorities by filling out a short online survey. The survey is available in English and Spanish and will be open through June 11. Community input provided through the survey will inform the Ventura County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP), a document that will plan for transportation in Ventura County over the next 30 years. Everyone who responds by June 11 will be entered to win a $50 gift card.

La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (VCTC, por sus siglas en inglés) invita a los miembros de la comunidad a compartir sus prioridades de transporte llenando una breve encuesta en línea. La encuesta está disponible en inglés y español y estará abierta hasta el 11 de junio. Las opiniones de la comunidad proporcionadas a través de la encuesta proveerán información al Plan Exhaustivo de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (CTP en inglés), un documento que planificará el transporte en el Condado de Ventura durante los próximos 30 años. Todas las personas que respondan antes del 11 de junio podrán participar en el sorteo de una tarjeta de regalo de 50 dólares.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – May is Bike Month, and the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is encouraging residents to ride to work, for health and simply for fun.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Mayo es el mes de la bicicleta, y la Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura (VCTC, por sus siglas en inglés) está animando a los residentes a ir en bicicleta al trabajo, por su salud y simplemente por diversión.

CAMARILLO – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has received a competitive state grant to study wildlife movement throughout the Conejo Pass area.

CAMARILLO – Since launching a year ago, the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) and a team of helpful drivers have assisted thousands of motorists along Ventura County highways.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to participate in community walk audits throughout February 2022 as part of its Comprehensive Transportation Plan update.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to attend an online Unmet Transit Needs community meeting or public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas about how to improve bus service in Ventura County. The meetings are an opportunity for community members to tell VCTC what can be done to improve transit and to help local residents get where they need to go. Those unable to attend can share input at

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to attend an online Unmet Transit Needs community meeting or public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas about how to improve bus service in Ventura County. The meetings are an opportunity for community members to tell VCTC what can be done to improve transit and to help local residents get where they need to go. Those unable to attend can share input at

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) announced today that it has selected Martin Erickson as the new executive director. Erickson currently is the public transit director for VCTC, Ventura County’s regional transportation planning agency.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has reached an agreement with Sierra Northern Railway to operate and maintain the Santa Paula Branch Line Railroad for freight, film and tourist services.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) joins other local transit operators in honoring U.S. military veterans by providing free rides on Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Bus riders in Ventura County are now able to use a single, touch-free system to pay for fares on any of the county’s regional buses, making it easier to use public transit to travel to work and appointments, to run essential errands and to simply get around.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is seeking community input to help to plan the future of transportation in Ventura County.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) on Friday named Mark Watkins interim executive director.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Metrolink has announced the expansion of Ventura County Line Saturday service, adding service to and from three additional stations: Camarillo, Oxnard, and Ventura-East. The new, expanded service will begin Aug. 14.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) congratulates Executive Director Darren Kettle on being named chief executive officer (CEO) of Metrolink.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Bike Week is back again, and the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is asking locals to switch up their routine and bike instead of drive.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Drivers hindered by disabled vehicles soon can receive emergency roadside assistance at no charge on some segments of Ventura County highways during peak traffic periods.

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to participate in three online workshops about a freight corridors study. The first workshop will be held Thursday, February 18.

Camarillo, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to attend an online Unmet Transit Needs community meeting or public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas about how to improve bus service in Ventura County. The meetings are an opportunity for community mem

CAMARILLO, Calif. – For the second straight year, colorful artwork by members of Boys & Girls Clubs across Ventura County will decorate the sides of Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) Intercity Transit buses.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is asking locals to mix up their routine by biking instead of driving one day a week.

VENTURA, Calif. – Drivers hindered by disabled vehicles are one step closer to having free roadside assistance available on some Ventura County freeways.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission on Friday, Sept. 11, approved agreements with Platinum Tow & Transport Inc. of Camarillo as the tow truck contractor for the Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) program.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), has promptly adhered to recent State requirements released by Governor Gavin Newsom. The mandate requires face coverings to be worn state-wide in public settings, including public transportation. If a VCTC Intercity bus rider doesn’t have a mask, one will be provided.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), will make additional updates to its Intercity schedules due to COVID-19 and the recent “Stay Well at Home” order. Temporary schedule reductions went into effect on Monday, March 30, 2020 for Highway 101 and Highway 126.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), will make updates to its Intercity schedules due to COVID-19 and the recent “Stay Well at Home” order. Changes will go into effect on Thursday, March 26, 2020 for four of six lines. Lines will operate during the week (Monday – Friday) using the regular Saturday/Sunday schedule.

Ventura, Calif. – Saturday Metrolink train service from Moorpark to Union Station in downtown Los Angeles, which was set to launch this April, has been delayed until early Summer 2020 due to COVID-19, commonly known as the Coronavirus. The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC), in conjunction with its regional partner Metrolink, has been closely monitoring developments related to COVID-19 alongside its regional partner Metrolink to determine the safest time to commence Saturday operations.

Ventura, Calif. – As Ventura County’s regional transportation planner and bus operator, the  Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is monitoring COVID-19 closely and staying in contact with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ventura County Office of Emergency Services and other local transit providers. Currently, VCTC Intercity Transit buses are running as usual while VCTC takes steps to reduce health risks for the community.

Ventura, Calif. – Transit operators in Ventura County are joining together to launch the GOVCbus app. The app allows passengers to plan a trip, find their nearest stop and look up estimated arrival times and other real-time information from any handheld device or desktop browser. Camarillo Area Transit, Gold Coast Transit District (GCTD), Kanan Shuttle, Moorpark City Transit, Ojai Trolley, Simi Valley Transit, Thousand Oaks Transit, Valley Express and VCTC Intercity Transit are all participating in the new system.

Ventura, Calif. – On Monday, Jan. 20, the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) will increase fares and make minor schedule modifications to its Intercity bus system.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) will hold public workshops at the end of January to gather input on 101 Communities Connected, a plan to improve mobility for everyone who travels in the U.S. 101 Highway corridor between Thousand Oaks and Ventura. The study, launched by VCTC and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) in 2019, will pinpoint and prioritize infrastructure improvements for all corridor users, including drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to attend an Unmet Transit Needs community meeting or public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas about how to improve bus service in Ventura County. The meetings are an opportunity for community members to tell VCTC what can be done to improve transit and to help get local residents get where they need to go.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has partnered with all seven Boys & Girls Clubs in Ventura County for a youth art contest. The goal of the contest was to encourage young people to think about the role of transportation in their lives and communities. Winning artwork, created by kids ages 10-13, is now proudly displayed on five VCTC Intercity buses.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has partnered with all seven Boys & Girls Clubs in Ventura County for a youth art contest. The goal of the contest was to encourage young people to think about the role of transportation in their lives and communities. Winning artwork, created by kids ages 10-13, is now proudly displayed on five VCTC Intercity buses.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) will provide FREE rides to U.S. military veterans on its VCTC Intercity Transit bus service on Monday, November 11. As part of a countywide effort to honor local veterans on Veterans Day, VCTC joins Camarillo Area Transit, the County of Ventura, Gold Coast Transit District, Moorpark City Transit, Ojai Trolley, Simi Valley Transit, Thousand Oaks Transit, Valley Express and Westlake Village Transit, which are offering free rides during regular service hours on Monday, November 11.

Ventura, Calif. – On Monday, Aug. 19th, schedule changes will go into effect for two of the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) Intercity bus system routes.
The Channel Islands route, formally known as Oxnard/Camarillo/CSUCI, 90, 96 and 97 will be replaced by the new Channel Islands Route 99. In addition, the Coastal Express line is adding additional service to three locations: the Camarillo Metrolink Station, The Collection and the Esplanade Mall.

Ventura, Calif. – Last year, transit operators in Ventura County joined together to implement the College Ride Pilot Program, allowing students enrolled at California Lutheran University, California State University Channel Islands, Moorpark College, Oxnard College and Ventura College to ride any bus anywhere in Ventura County for free. The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is happy to announce that the program will continue for the 2019-20 academic year. To board, students need to simply show their student ID to the driver and they can take the bus anywhere, anytime, not just to or from school.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) approved an $82,452,074 annual budget at its monthly meeting on June 7 that will strengthen and improve Ventura County’s transportation system for years to come. Incorporating funds from a variety of state and federal sources, including revenues from Senate Bill 1, California’s Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, the Fiscal Year 2019/2020 budget is about 3% higher than last year.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) encourages Ventura County residents to take advantage of special round-trip train service between the Moorpark Metrolink station and Los Angeles Union Station on Saturday, Jan. 19.

Ventura, Calif. – On Monday, Jan. 14, the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) will increase fares and make minor schedule modifications on its intercity bus system.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) will begin offering bus service to Somis via its East-West Connector bus route on Jan. 14, 2019. This marks the first time that Somis, a community in unincorporated Ventura County between Camarillo and Moorpark, has been served by public transit.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to attend an Unmet Transit Needs community meeting or public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas about how to improve bus service in Ventura County. The meetings are an opportunity for community members to tell VCTC what can be done to improve transit and to help get local residents where they need to go.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) will provide FREE rides to U.S. military veterans on its VCTC Intercity Transit bus service on Sunday, Nov. 11 and Monday, Nov. 12. As part of a county-wide effort to honor local veterans on Veterans Day, VCTC joins Camarillo Area Transit, the County of Ventura, Gold Coast Transit, Moorpark City Transit, Ojai Trolley, Simi Valley Transit, Thousand Oaks Transit, and Valley Express in offering the free rides during regular service hours.

Local workers and students who pledge to carpool, vanpool, bike, walk or ride the bus will be entered into
$100 prize drawing

Students enrolled at Ventura County colleges can ride any bus in County free with student ID

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is seeking public input on a proposal to increase to fares on its Intercity bus system.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) unveiled today a completely redesigned website. The new site offers a variety of enhancements, including a Google-based transit trip planner, mobile-responsive layout and improved aesthetics and design.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) and University of California, Berkeley Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (UC Berkeley) encourage Ventura County wildfire evacuees to participate in a study

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) and the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD) are pleased to announce the start of Bike to Work Week, an annual event that encourages Ventura residents to leave their cars at home and ride their bicycles to work, school, or for fun. Bike to Work Week runs May 14-18, 2018.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to attend an Unmet Transit Needs community meeting or public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas about how to improve bus service in Ventura County.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) will provide free rides to U.S. military veterans on its VCTC Intercity Transit bus service on Friday, Nov. 10 and Saturday, Nov. 11. Part of a countywide effort to honor local veterans on Veterans Day, VCTC joins Camarillo Area Transit, the County of Ventura, Gold Coast Transit, Moorpark City Transit, Ojai Trolley, Simi Valley Transit, Thousand Oaks Transit and Valley Express in offering two days of free rides.

Ventura, Calif. – On Nov. 10, the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) will open the East-West Connector, the first fixed-route transit service between Simi Valley, Moorpark and West Ventura County.

Ventura, Calif. – VCTC and VCAPCD announced today the launch of Ride Week 2017. During Ride Week, people who work or go to school in Ventura County and pledge to try an alternative mode of transportation – such as carpooling, vanpooling, walking, biking or riding the bus – at least once from Oct. 2-6 will be entered into a prize drawing for one of four $100 VISA gift cards.

Ventura, Calif. – Bike to Work Week, an annual event that encourages commuters to swap their daily drive for a bike ride to work, is set to kick-off Monday, May 15, 2017. Co-sponsored by the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) and the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD), Bike to Work Week will run May 15-19 and feature prize drawings and a social media contest for participating cyclists.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has approved service changes for the Intercity Transit system beginning May 22, 2017. The changes will affect bus schedules on all VCTC Intercity Transit routes. The intent is to streamline and improve efficiency of the regional transit system while limiting impacts to riders.

Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) invites the public to attend an Unmet Transit Needs public hearing to let local government leaders hear ideas about how to improve bus service in the Santa Clara Valley. The hearings are an opportunity for community members to tell VCTC what can be done to improve Heritage Valley Transit (Valley Express) and VCTC Intercity Transit and to help get local residents where they need to go.